Descriptive Text Lesharo X5/19

About My Teacher, Mr. Tunggal

        Mr. Nugroho Tunggal Kristanto, or as students know him, Mr. Tunggal, is a 26-year-old math teacher at SMA Santa Maria Surabaya. He’s in charge of teaching grade X math as well as compulsory mathematics for grades XI and XII. As a graduate of Universitas Negeri Malang, he’s got a fresh and energetic vibe that matches his still-young age, making him popular among students.

        He’s got always neatly styled short black hair and a warm tan complexion that hints at his work. With his flat nose and round dark brown eyes, his face has a naturally friendly look. Standing at an average height, his slim-fit frame gives him an athletic, easygoing appearance. When he walks around the classroom, he moves with relaxed confidence, never rushed, but always in control.

        In his spare time, Mr. Tunggal is attracted to a guitar. Music is one of his passions, and he frequently posts videos of himself playing on Instagram and YouTube. His guitar playing has a certain energy to it, rhythmic, smooth, calming, and always on point. He’s also pretty good with a badminton racket, and he has a fit physique. He used to enjoy playing Mobile Legends with his students, with Minotaur as his favorite hero. Though he doesn’t play anymore right now.

        What really stands out about Mr. Tunggal is his approachable personality. He’s the type of teacher who makes you feel at ease from the start. He’s not strict, but there’s a quiet authority in how he handles the class. You might catch him glancing at a student sneaking a look at their phone, but he’ll just stay calm and suggest they finish their game outside. As long as they’re not disrupting the class and feel that they understand enough about the learning material, he’s chill about it. And if you chew a pack of gum, he won’t mind, but just make sure to offer him a piece too.

        Usually, he starts with example problems and then solves them step-by-step, and his explanations are clear and easy to follow. He’s always open to questions about anything his students don't understand about. He doesn’t just throw random questions at you either, his practice problems vary from easy to more challenging, adjusted to the students. 


Resep Makanan 8C/20 mengatakan…
Niceeee! the way you explained it makes it easier to understand about him.
Owen_27 mengatakan…
Very sigma teacher, he must be a great teacher
Ada ada aja mengatakan…
nice descriptive text a lot of details and make easy to understand about the text
Clive mengatakan…
Great job! I like how you to desribe it start from his intronduce until his personality


Descriptive Text Joan X5/01