Descriptive Text Gerald X5/11

He is Mr. Adri, his age is 35,he has light brown skin and short black hair that’s always neatly combed to the side, giving him a sharp and professional look. His face is defined,with slightly arched eyebrows,calm eyes,and a straight nose.What really stands out from him is his warm smile and his tone voice it's make people happy and making him incredibly approachable. He was the type of person who was always easy to talk to, and his friendly demeanor naturally attracted people to him.

At SMA Santa Maria Surabaya,he is works in administration, Mr. Adri plays a crucial role in keeping everything organized and running smoothly.His attention to detail and calm attitude make him perfect for the job. Despite the demands of his position, he’s always ready to lend a hand or offer a friendly word to anyone who needs it outside of his work, Mr. Adri’s has so many talent and hobby, He is loves to playing music,in playing music he likes to play a keyboard or organ. He usually plays music after a long day or when he plays with his friends, music is something that makes him happy and helps him express his creative side.

Photography is another one of his favorite hobbies beside playing music. If there is an event at the school or just a moment that is worth to capturing, you can bet Mr. Adri will be there with his camera. He has a great eye for detail,and he always managing to snap the perfect shot. His passion for photography has made him to be the right person at SMA Santa Maria for capturing memories. Combined with his friendly personality, it’s no wonder he’s such a well liked figure in the school.


Lesharo Bladen S. mengatakan…
What a beautifully written description for Mr Adri! Nice! I love how you highlight not just his professionalism and administrative role, but also his creative and personal sides that people hasn't heard of.
Heheha mengatakan…
Whoa, this totally reminds me of someone… Mr. "Double," huh? Also, why does he look so emotionless??


Descriptive Text Joan X5/01